Under cover under ground

"I was sent here to find out
Why people end up here
What hell is all about
It was my biggest fear

But I found the answer rather fast
It made me wanna stay
Cus' I can be myself at last
And people can be gay

No need to fake the life you had
No room for any winners
All of us are just as bad
All of us are sinners

The weather here is perfect too
Like summer all year round
And if you like to barbecue
Then fires are easy found

And if you find a proper mate
A marriage is no must
Some fornication is just great
To hell with all our lust!

If I could give advice to you
I know what I would tell
Live your life like you want to
It's great to burn in hell!"

Tyg och dekorationsgrus på nappabakgrund.